Utilities Help Customers Achieve Energy Affordability with Oracle

Utilities Help Customers Achieve Energy Affordability with Oracle

The pandemic and a resuming threat of shutoffs have heightened the issue of energy affordability in the US. A newOracle Utilities Opower solution provides utilities a better way to find, reach, and enroll limited income customers in programs that can help. The solution includes predictive analytics to identify limited income customers and new outbound messages to reach them with money and energy-saving opportunities. Most importantly, the Opower solution makes it easy for people to act. A personalized programs one-stop shop brings together bill assistance and energy efficiency programs, confirms eligibility, and shows each customer their best first step towards achieving energy affordability.

“Helping people find energy affordability programs takes great coordination between utilities and nonprofit partners,” said Katrina Metzler, executive director at the National Energy & Utility Affordability Coalition. “Those handoffs between organizations can create barriers to program adoption, and there is a clear opportunity for this new Opower solution to make these important programs work better for everyone.”